Demand Printer Forms

Terminology | Questionnaire

Semand Printer Forms

The term "demand printer" is used to describe a forms application where a particular form is the only  (or primary) form used in a computer printer. Such applications include invoices in auto parts dealers, hardware and lumber stores, and hospital admissions offices.

In general, easy tear marginal and between sets perfs are required for removal of some or all parts. Individual customer use requires individual perf specs.

It is impossible to generalize perf requirements.

Sales Service makes a special note on the job bag and in special instructions when a form is a demand printer form to point out to the pressman and collator operator that this is a special job. Each job can be handled differently by each user, so unless instructed otherwise, perfs on "copy" are the perfs to be used. On repeats, unless otherwise instructed, use same perfs as before.