
Full In-House Composition

Each year, we at Phoenix Data Inc, invest a lot of time, materials, and training to ensure we stay one step ahead in meeting our customer's technological needs. We pride ourselves in providing solutions and strive to meet your ever-changing needs. Presently, we support both WINDOWS and MACINTOSH formats.

Please indicate which platform used. When sending native files please be sure to include all artwork and fonts used. Please include a reference copy of the file supplied with your order to ensure the file output matches the file sent.
Our “user-friendly” checklist contains information critical to the handling of your electronic file. We welcome feedback on ways to better serve you.

Feel free to contact us for additional information or if you have any questions at (800) 326-9583 or e-mail us at Please review the methods available and determine the best way to GET CONNECTED!

The Internet: Files can be transferred directly to our Prepress department via the Internet by attaching your files to your e-mail. ( Please compress all e-mail attachments using PKZip or Stuffit before sending.

Disks: We are able to handle any of the following diskettes and CD/DVDs in both Windows and Macintosh formats: 3½” diskettes; 100, 250 or 750MB ZIP disks; CD/DVDs (please indicate format used on media sent).

E-mail Proofs: If you supply us a digital file or if we reset the form, you have the option of receiving an e-mail proof. The proof is sent to you in PDF format and can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can view the proof on your screen, print out a hard copy, and fax your approval back.

Software: We have complete composition capabilities. We have both Windows and Macintosh systems running the following software packages:

  • ProDesigner (WIN ONLY) - (.f3f & .fdb formats)
  • QuarkXpress (WIN/MAC) - (FormsX)
  • Adobe InDesign (WIN/MAC)
  • Adobe PageMaker (WIN/MAC)
  • Adobe Photoshop (WIN/MAC)
  • Adobe Illustrator (WIN/MAC)
  • Adobe Acrobat (WIN/MAC)
  • FreeHand MX (MAC ONLY)
  • PKZip (WIN ONLY)
  • Stuffit Deluxe (WIN/MAC) zip

Tips for Supplying Files to Prepress

Three simple words: Press Quality PDF.

In the ever-changing digital world in which we now tread producing the desired end result can be a bit challenging. To aid in this regard Prepress has requested that when possible a Press Quality PDF accompany your files. This is used as a reference for what the form is intended to look like and to serve as a quality control measure to compare our output against. If fonts load incorrectly or images fail to output as desired without any warning and nothing is supplied as a comparison we have no way of knowing. By supplying a Press Quality PDF to serve as a comparison against the native file we can ensure that the end result desired is achieved. Also, a Press Quality PDF can serve as the actual production file, if desired. This eliminates the need to send artwork and fonts, works cross platform (Windows and Macintosh), and takes the worry out of what application version you are using. It also prevents any unwanted changes unless directed otherwise.

Microsoft files – Word, Excel and Publisher. Files supplied in this format are converted to PDF for use in our CTP workflow. Prepress highly recommends receiving proofs of these to ensure that they meet your expectations.
For more information on sending electronic media or for instructions on creating Press Quality PDFs from your native applications, e-mail us at